Saturday, May 3, 2008

A valiant effort to give flesh, blood and spirit to otherwise mundane proceedings in the courts of Law in the country. Vijayandran has provided a novel for the legal profession and the public at large. Compulsive reading in the form of “NO INTENTION TO KILL.” It is hoped that other legal practioners will follow Vijayandran’s fine example.
YB. Karpal Singh, Advocate and Solicitor and Member of Parliament Malaysia

Truth is sometimes stranger than fiction. This is most evident in T.Vijayandran’s “No Intention To Kill”, a potential best-seller, which offers an extraordinary narrative of the experiences of a young woman from Indonesia whose dream of a better future in Malaysia was shattered by an act beyond her control. The unpremeditated murder of her employer-the darkest hour in her life-placed the 18 year old at the mercy of a judicial system totally alien to her. In a vivid account that promises to keep the reader spell-bound until the last page, T.Vijayandran presents the salient aspects of her 7 year legal battle from a professional perspective that is never short of the emotion that lawyers inevitably face when a life is on the line. Besides its obvious appeal to the layman, this book is surely headed towards law libraries worldwide because of the legal manouevres employed by an astute lawyer to save his client from the gallows. This is a true legal classic that will appeal to many-always.

Balan Moses, Deputy Chief News Editor, New Straits Times, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia and author of “Brickfields: A Place, A Time, A Memory”

This is a sad tale of a migrant working hoping to find her pot of gold in Malaysia but finding horror and hardship instead. The stresses of cultural and personal conflicts in one household had destroyed the lives of many members of two families. Many who have read the account of this incident in the press will be grateful to Vijayandran for putting a human face to the people involved in case and a human touch to the anguish they experienced. I highly recommend this book for those who are interested in the forensic aspects of a murder trial and also in the personal drama that goes along with it.

Lee Min Choon, Advocate and Solicitor and author of "Freedom of Religion in Malaysia"

Amidst the legal intricacies,, this narrative tells much of what transpired behind the Court scenes and the normally unspoken (and unspeakable) trauma of the person in whose hands lie the fate of the accused. For those unintiated with the heartache and the pain of handling cases such as this, the thread of human concern and compassion that run throughout the whole story should become very obvious even before the book is finished.Vijayandran has done a highly commendable job. Hendon Mohamed, Advocate and Solicitor, Past President of Bar Council Malaysia

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Anonymous said...

sounds like a book to read from cover to cover in one sitting!!

looking forward to launch date !!

Sharaad Kuttan said...

Sounds interesting but too bad the cover is badly designed. This is a failing with many local publishers. Hope the book is not riddled with that other common failing: bad editing and typos.